What is Podiatry Treatment?
Podiatry is a branch of medicine which is devoted to the diagnosis, medical and surgical treatment and study of diseases and disorder of the foot and ankle. Doctors or Specialists who perform this study on different diseases of feet and ankles are known as Doctor of Podiatric Medicine (DPM) or podiatrist Camberwell. They are the most qualified doctors and a foot specialist who care for your feet.
Foot & Ankle Instrumentation:
A recent research which was conducted by the Association of Podiatric Medical Doctors reveals that almost 70 percent people in the USA are facing different diseases related to their feet. There are a big number of different instruments available because of increasing number of the patient of foot problems. People don’t care much about their foot problems which lead them to different foot specialist or podiatry clinics. There are different kinds of instruments available which are used by foot specialist or podiatry clinics for surgery of different foot problems.
As foot problems are increasing, they are also being the cause of the increase in foot surgery instruments, below is the list of different instruments which are being used by different foot problems in podiatry clinic by podiatrist Melbourne, such as for treating plantar fasciitis. Children’s podiatrists Melbourne can treat problems in young feet which may prevent issues as adults.
- Podiatric Nail Nippers and Splitters
- Podiatric Cuticle
- Nippers Podiatric Curettes
- Podiatric Scissors
- Podiatric Burs
Type of Surgeries:
One should not go directly for surgery when they feel like they are having some foot problems. You must go to some proper physician and try to find out if some kind of exercise would be enough to solve your problem. Ask your foot specialists if there is any other way to solve this problem without having surgery because you know once you have done with surgery you will not be able to do several things properly. As heel pain is caused by different things, but it also has good solutions without having any surgery, therefore you must check for all other options before going for surgery to some podiatry clinic. There are different kinds of instruments available which are being used by different kinds of surgeries.
- General Surgery
- Specialty Surgery
There are some instruments which are required for every surgery and must be same in every kind of surgery, which are known as General Surgery Instruments. Such as needle holders, scissors, retractors, and forceps. These instruments should be same no matter what is the nature of the surgery. Disposable needles and blades should be used and must be disposed of after used once.
There are some special surgeries which require some specific types of instruments, such as in-office surgery would need different instrument compare to cardiovascular surgery. Different blades and biopsy instruments should be disposed of once they have been used. These instruments should not be used for any other kind of surgery.
Cleaning and Care:
Taking good care of these instruments and keeping them clean all the time is the must-do thing. As these instruments are expensive so they deserve proper maintenance as well. Instruments which are no longer in use must be disposed at the time before someone else miss uses them. You can also keep them clean by sterilization and storage cassettes, which helps to keep these instruments safe from virus and bacteria. If already used operators are being used, this can cause serious diseases in people they were used on. So it is must either to destroy them or keep them in sterilization.
There are different stainless steels jars, trays and cups are available in the market which helps to keep all the instruments clean and together. You can either make your instruments new or buy new ones, otherwise, you can face sewer kind of problems by reusing same operates which is prohibited to use twice. Cleanliness is so much important in our life but we never take good care of it. Even our religion says that cleanliness is half of our religion, without it, we are nothing but pieces of dirt. Cleanliness needs to be taken as an upmost importance otherwise you could develop toenail fungus.